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How to drink water before and after exercise
Time of publication:2021-04-30     Reading times:     Font size:【Large Medium Small

Don't drink water immediately after you finish playing

Because the temperature in spring is high all year round, we must pay attention to the reasonable supplement of water in the process of playing football and playing basketball. However, do not think that when you want to drink water when you exercise, you will not be able to eat it.

For example, a team plays football every week, and before the game, the captain will buy three boxes of 36 bottles of mineral water for the team members to drink. Usually, after playing 45 minutes in the first half, each player can drink at least one or two bottles of mineral water during the break in the middle of the field. What's more, drink with frozen mineral water. For this "binge drink", experts believe that it is unscientific and harmful to health. "After intense exercise, the body consumes a lot and the functions of all parts of the body are at a relatively low level. If you drink a lot of water, it will cause the heart to be overloaded," he said.

The correct way should be to drink a small amount of water after intense exercise, after a rest for a while, then increase the amount of drinking water, and avoid drinking raw water and cold water.

Experts suggest drinking about 500 ml of boiled water two hours before playing football or basketball, because pre exercise water supplementation can improve the body's thermal regulation ability and reduce heart rate during exercise. Two hours in advance can give the kidney enough time to metabolize, adjust the balance of body fluid and osmotic pressure to the best state, and have enough time to make the excess water discharged from the body. Players should drink some light salt water during the midfield break, because the water can supplement the lost ions in time to prevent discomfort such as blood sodium disease, and control the water temperature to 15 ℃ to 22 ℃. Sweat a lot during exercise“ Must have a small mouth to drink, do not want to for the picture to drink with a happy

Drink water before and after exercise

Drink water before and after exercise

Drink a little water an hour before running

Experts support, before running water is very important. Many people often ignore the water supplement before running, even a wrong view that drinking water before running can cause stomach cramps. In fact, you should drink a little water an hour before running. When you feel thirsty, the body has lost about 3% of your body weight of sweat, so it takes 48 hours to replenish the amount of fluid lost.

Do not over concentrate on the water supplement after running. A large amount of drink can only solve the thirst feeling for a while, but increase urination and sweating, and further lose electrolyte in the body, and increase the burden of heart and kidney. At this time, the water supplement still needs to drink a little more and make up salt properly.

Drink water before and after exercise


Take a rest after exercise and take a warm bath

Many people take a bath immediately after exercise, thinking that it can remove both dirt and fatigue. Su believes that this is not scientific, in people's exercise, blood flow to the muscle increased. After stopping exercise, this situation will continue for a while. If you take a hot bath immediately, it will make the blood not enough to supply other important organs, such as the lack of blood supply to the heart and brain, and people will feel dizzy, disgusted, and powerless, and other diseases will be caused seriously.

Experts say taking a cold shower immediately after exercise has more advantages and disadvantages“ The right way is to take a rest after exercise, and take a bath again according to the pulse return to the normal number. It is better to take a warm bath. "

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